I was nervous about getting to Magee this morning because of the weather. A couple of people asked what would happen if I couldn’t get to my treatment. I said I don’t know, and I don’t want to find out! My guess is I’d skip a week and then everything would be pushed back. I REALLY don’t want that to happen!
I told Samara she was coming with me, since she’s home for break. Spoiler alert: we made it there ok. Coming back, the roads were even better.
I can’t get my meds until my bloodwork comes back, so they can make sure my levels are acceptable. The results are always fast, but not today. Rosann called the lab three times, and eventually found out they were having trouble getting it into the computer. Then just call with the results!
Despite all that, we left only 15 minutes later than last week.

I wore my new mittens and booties, except I didn’t realize the mittens had front and back ice packs. So two ice packs weren’t frozen. Just one wasn’t enough, so we asked for some ice.
This was my 10th treatment, so now the 10-week countdown has begun. I’m now in single digits, with 9 left to go…
After lunch, I was so fatigued I took a 2.5 hour nap. This week was slightly better than the previous one. We’ll see how this week goes!
Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and stay safe and warm!!