Category: News

  • Updated Pathology

    My hand is still a bit swollen; I guess it won’t go down overnight. Dr. McAuliffe said to keep my arm elevated when possible. She notified Dr. Brufsky about the DVT and he too found it very unusual. Of course the blood thinner medication is making me nauseous, when it supposedly doesn’t have any side…

  • A Bit of a Scare

    Yesterday I noticed that my right hand was slightly swollen. You really have to look closely to see it. I messaged my surgeon to be on the safe side. The nurse and I traded messages today; she had me send a picture of my hands. She could see the swelling and said she wanted to…

  • Post Surgery

    I was wondering why my left wrist hurt so much. I finally realized this morning — it’s where the IV was. Duh! I’ve been sleeping a lot and trying to stay on top of the pain, which is mostly tolerable. My right hand is slightly swollen – I don’t know if that’s normal. I have…

  • One Small Detail

    I forgot to mention the surgery itself went smoothly! As expected, only one lymph node was removed for testing. The results won’t come back for a while. It could be as short as two days or a lot longer, depending on the lab staffing.

  • The Flip Side

    I’m here! A little worse for wear, but doing ok. Apparently my call time was TWO hours before surgery! I had a shitty night’s sleep, and could have used more of it! There’s a lot to the pre-surgery process, though, including the important act of waiting. Can’t skip that. (Aaron transcribing now. After two short…