Surgery Plan
I know you’ve been consumed with wanting to know if I had a glass of wine on Thanksgiving. I’m sorry for taking so long to follow up. I hope you haven’t been neglecting important duties in the meantime. Without further ado, dear Reader, the answer is no. No, I did not. Cancer gave me all…
It has been brought to my attention by several people that the links in subscription email messages are no longer directly connecting to the blog. It’s a complicated fix, but the good news is there’s a workaround until Aaron has time to look into this. Just go directly to the blog website and click the…
Today I had scans for the first time since my diagnosis: a right-sided mammogram and a breast ultrasound. The tech confirmed that the mass is “much much smaller.” The doctor repeated the ultrasound and said it looked good. I’ll find out more details when we meet with the surgeon on the 1st. Yesterday, it felt…
Last A/C!
I was both anticipating and dreading this day. I wanted it to hurry up and take its time. After today, I am done with the A/C round of chemo, which is the toughest part. In three weeks, I start my weekly Taxol (which will be joined every three weeks by Keytruda), which is considered more…
Taking Charge
Last night I felt a little off, like I had a temperature. Sure enough, the thermometer showed a low-grade fever. Since I’m supposed to call the doctor if it’s above 100.1, and I’m a rule follower, we placed a call to the on call doctor at the Women’s Cancer Clinic. I also took a rapid…