Scan Results

I emailed Dr. Brufsky today to ask if there was any chance they had my scan results. I know something was sent today because I got a notification through the health portal. 

“We can find out,” he responded.

When I hadn’t heard anything by 5:30, I figured I wouldn’t hear today.

But he emailed me a little while ago: “Scan looks fine. No cancer anywhere but in your breast.”

This was the news I needed. I made it through the weekend ok (I think it actually took two days to recover from the bivalent COVID booster!), but today was tough. 

I know I have a lot ahead of me, but I can breathe a little easier knowing the initial assumptions hold and my odds are still good. 

12 responses to “Scan Results”

  1. A great deal of relief has been realized today. The unknown is so hard to deal with but todays news is the bottom line. You can now regroup and move forward with another piece of this puzzle in your possession. Your tackling this in such a grounded, common sense approach and this is how you will work your way through this tunnel and come out the other side. Well done Lisa!

    • I was worried because it’s aggressive and I first noticed it in July (I think), and didn’t make an appointment until August! Phew…

  2. hi lisa. have doctors decided on your regime of treatment? when do they start? glad you got new covid shot. so important especially treatments will alter your immunsupport system.

  3. Happy and relieved to hear this good news! That will make moving forward a bit easier, I’m sure. Sending positive vibes and hugs to you!

  4. So relieved to hear this news. I’m sure you can breather a little easier knowing this. Thinking about you everyday. ❤️

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