My first radiation session was indeed painless and quick. I couldn’t even tell when it was happening. I meant to ask if there’s a noise the machine makes when emitting radiation; I’ll try to remember tomorrow.
I’m to moisturize twice a day and forgot that I shouldn’t do it at least two hours beforehand. Thankfully a friend reminded me, and the nurse mentioned it when I asked about the frequency. I came home and immediately put Aloe Vera gel on, and will do so again before bed.
This afternoon, I met with the benign hematologist about my blood clot. He said it was minor and to stay on the blood thinner for three months. That means I can stop (no ultrasound or tapering needed) at the end of June. There’s a 2% chance it will come back, but he said not to worry about it. If I have surgery in the future, I’m to tell the surgeon I had a blood clot so they can put me on a low dose of blood thinner for a few days.
I asked why it happened, and he matter-of-factly asked me a question in return: “Why did you get breast cancer?”
3 responses to “First Radiation Session”
It’s important when a doctor gives you such an answer that you just don’t think too hard about it. When push comes to shove an answer is an answer. I kind of like his.
The answer to why is THE question. If only we knew! I hope the radiation continues to go smoothly, 1 down, 19 to go! xoxo
Why? Why? You can have many conjectures.
But at the end of the day, just accept it, take care of your body and spirit, send love to those you care, and move on. Lisa, you have gained experiences and perspectives in the last six months, probably more than the previous six years. With that, you can help others behind you.