A Bit of a Scare

Yesterday I noticed that my right hand was slightly swollen. You really have to look closely to see it. I messaged my surgeon to be on the safe side. The nurse and I traded messages today; she had me send a picture of my hands. She could see the swelling and said she wanted to rule out a blood clot. She didn’t think I had one, especially since I have no pain, but to be safe she said she was trying to get me an appointment with radiology. If she was unsuccessful, she said I would have to go to the ED.

At the end of the day, she told me she got an appointment at a UPMC location about 30 minutes north of us (another one to add to my list). Aaron was at work, so Dad drove me. The ultrasound started at my neck and went down to my wrist. The tech repeatedly pressed down on my skin to check the blood flow. Then we waited for the radiologist to look at the results and call my surgeon.

The tech called my name and said they recommended I go to the ED in the same building, but he was not allowed to tell me why. He walked us over there, at which point I learned that my surgeon had called Aaron (since he’s been at every appointment with me, she assumed he was with me) and was explaining the results. She then called my phone to loop me and Dad in.

I do have a blood clot (DVT) in my arm that was caught early. She told us to tell the ED it was a DVT, which immediately sped things up. The ED doctor explained what was going on and said the treatment is to go on blood thinners for 3-6 months. They have a therapeutic effect within two hours and don’t interact with much. I got my first dose pretty quickly and was discharged shortly thereafter. Dad commented that it was the shortest ED visit he had ever experienced and we agreed that everyone was super nice.

As is typical, I’m the outlier. My surgeon said in all her years she had never seen this for my kind of surgery. I always knew I was special!

Feeling grateful tonight.

11 responses to “A Bit of a Scare”

  1. Boy, did that third paragraph scare me. Thankfully, it’s as simple as taking blood thinners. Phew 😮‍💨!
    Shabbat Shalom 🍷✡️

  2. Wow. So grateful you noticed the swelling and sought help. Thinking about you and sending you love and hugs.

  3. How smart are you. Most of us would have said it was nothing and moved on to something else. Good for you for following up, going to have the ultrasound done and then off to emergency. Bottom line is you’re not just another pretty face. You my friend are a real thinker. So glad your dad was nearby and it all worked out.

  4. So thankful you trusted your gut and knew to question it ~ onward to really start healing now ❤️

  5. Good that you have observed the swelling in your right arm and discussed with your doctor early enough that the blood thinner will take care of it. Still, I am uncomfortable with the instruction of limiting movement of your hand.

  6. I ALWAYS knew you were special❣️And smart, alert, and observant! So glad your parents are there, so glad you got attention for this quickly! Maybe your Dr. will write a book or at the very least a paper about you?? Sending hugs from afar! 💕💕

  7. All I can say Lisa is that you are Special – in all the best ways. Sorry to hear you had to add this to all that you are going through but happy to hear that you caught it and recovering.

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