I am now officially halfway through Taxol and 3/4ths of the way through pre-surgery chemo!
Today was long, even though it was a non-Keytruda week. The bloodwork – which typically takes 15-20 minutes to come back – took about two hours!!
I asked what dose steroid I was given last week, as I suspected that it wasn’t lowered like it was supposed to be. Sure enough, I was right! So hopefully this week will be slightly easier in that respect. (Hear that, insomnia? Don’t make an appearance tonight!)
I’ve had to wear my readers a lot more lately as things are often blurry when I read. It didn’t quite feel like getting older was the reason. Again, I was right! (I’ll try not to let this get to my head.) Vision changes are a chemo side effect, including blurriness. It could be temporary; time will tell. I was advised to wait until after chemo to see an ophthalmologist, because there could continue to be changes during and after.
All in all, not too bad considering today is Friday the 13th!
11 responses to “75%”
Think of you often! Hope you experience less insomnia in the days to come ❤️
Fingers crossed for no insomnia tonight!
I know you’ve been a trooper!!! Hope you get some sleep.
Lisa, I’m sorry you have had insomnia and hope it doesn’t continue, but should you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, and you don’t feel like writing another “ditty”, feel free to text me or send me an email. I will probably be awake as well and respond promptly! (There are lots of reasons for insomnia I guess). Hope you got some zzzzz’s.
Sorry to hear you have insomnia too!!!
Well Lisa your into the home stretch with your pre surgery chemo and halfway through the Taxol. Your a champ and your next conquest is the insomnia. Nothing is getting past you and your knocking this out of the park. Sweet dreams each night.
Haha! My Friday the 13th wasn’t much better than yours! 🥴
Hey! 50% done w Taxol snd 3/4 done w chemo- that means more behind you than ahead 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. You’re doing it girl! I knew you would! 🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆🥇
75% (+) through chemo – Bravo Lisa 👏🏻 ! Commenting on your last 3 posts: Loved your “Ode to Hair” 🤓 and, I trust Doran was a hit at the Cabaret Show. If you have a video to share, I would love to see it. Love, Larry
Here’s a link to Doran’s cabaret act! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jns7u6dd8p126r/IMG_2334.MOV?dl=0
Lisa, I’m not sure if you remember me but I grew up in Buffalo, knew you and your sister and was close with your husband and his brother. Jodi mintz (chesman now). Becca Rosenthal loss shared your blog w my mother. Im so sorry to hear what you are going through. Im writing to share that unfortunately im right there with you. I was diagnosed with stage 2 triple neg bc in November and started chemo in December. Im going through 12 weeks taxol/carbo and then 4 rounds of AC, then surgery. If you’d like to connect I’d love to hear from you and maybe we can learn from each other (or share various tips we’re learning). Thinking of you and wishing you good days!!
Jodi, I do remember you!! My mom shared your diagnosis with me; I’m so glad you commented so we can get in touch. I’m sorry you’re on the same journey. FUCK CANCER! My email is lisa@steinsquared.com – email me or you can text me at 412-973-1794 – or both!