Status Check

The good news is the new anti-nausea drugs given through the IV last week helped. The bad news is they’ve worn off. Lowering the steroids also helped; the hunger hasn’t been as intense. But the nausea is worse when it’s usually better, so maybe that’s the devil’s bargain I made?

The fatigue has definitely increased. I’ve had to nap at least once or twice daily, and am in bed most nights by 9. I’ve also noticed a restlessness that makes it hard to do things. 

My toenails are super thin and fragile. My cuticles are a mess. My scalp is breaking out in parts and is more patchy; I have more areas without hair. Should make for an interesting look when it starts growing back. The mouth sores and stomach aches are ahead of schedule.

BUT I’m entering week two. Things have to start looking up – right?

10 responses to “Status Check”

  1. Lisa, thinking of you on Planet Cancer and sending positive vibes that it is a short visit with return to many years of good health… love you always, Lisa.
    Nancy Arfa

  2. Right!!! Keep on keeping on. Sending loads of healing and strength to you, Lisa.🙏🏼❤️🤗

  3. Perhaps your new favorite word should be temporary? Because this roller coaster IS temporary and you’ll be able to get off this yucky ride soon. Hopefully, the next phase will be less rocky and easier to tolerate. Sending you prayers for strength and some positive vibes. Hugs too! xo

  4. Stay Strong!! You’re a fighter and FIERCE! You’ve already given all of us a master class on handling life’s curve balls. Sending lots of laugher, and love, and especially loads of healing energy. Stay focused on the light at the end of this tunnel.

  5. Well Lisa you sound good to me and here’s why. Your becoming more of the pro at this and less of the patient with each treatment. You know what to expect and when it will arrive. Your in anticipation of the side affects before they show their ugly face. When something new arrives you accept it, acknowledge its newness and deal with it. You are more in control now and are facing each new issue head on. Sometimes the only way out of the darkness is through it. You my friend are walking through this darkness and are making your way out of it because that’s who you are. Keep strong!

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