It’s hard to believe that I finished treatment five months ago!
Today I had a radiation oncology follow up visit with Physicians Assistant Emily. She said everything looks good. I offhandedly mentioned that sometimes the area around my scars really itches. She said that could be from radiation and to moisturize it every day. She also said this is a side effect that will last forever!
I’ll see Emily again in six months, then nine, and eventually once a year for five years total.
Next up: In December, I have a mammogram and then a check up with Dr. Brufsky – coincidentally scheduled the same day even though they’re in two different places.
I feel more like myself these days. My taste buds are back, and so is my energy. After not exercising for a year, I’m now working out four times a week!
I actually got a haircut in September. Somehow it felt wrong cutting my hair when I’m trying to grow it, but there were parts that looked bad. I figured maybe the stylist (who specializes in curly hair) could make it look better while not sacrificing the length. She did!
When it feels like my hair isn’t growing, I look at pictures from May or even this summer, and can see the difference. Most days I don’t hate the current look. I’m still planning on growing it out at least to my chin to see what it looks like. It’s harder to grow out than to get it cut!
During treatment, I planned a trip to Spain in October, which helped get me through the tough parts. I called it my Belated 50th Birthday, Empty Nester, and Surviving Cancer trip! The last time Aaron and I did this kind of trip was when I turned 40! We went to Madrid, Toledo, and Barcelona, and had a great time!

8 responses to “Five Months on the Other Side”
How wonderful. So thrilled you got to go to Spain! Happy belated birthday!
Yay! So glad you’re feeling more like yourself!♥️
You sound and look amazing. How absolutely wonderful your life is.
I am so glad that you are doing well! And you look great!
I am so glad to hear that much of your “normal” self has returned! The smiles on these pictures says it all! Your hair is looking great as well. Hip hip hooray for so much progress! xoxo
What an uplifting post! Thank you for sharing! As for growing out your hair, we curly-haired girls know that sometimes we grow out instead of down. What a joy it is to read that you are having this issue; it means that things are starting to return to a sense of normalcy!
So happy you went on your 50th birthday celebration!! You look great love your hair.
Lisa, I’m so glad you’re feeling like yourself again and that your taste buds are back!👍🏼 Your Mom shared a photo of you all when you met up in España. I thought your curly hair looks lovely on you. And your smile was the best.