Another Three Month Check Up

Last week was very emotional. On top of waiting for my biopsy results, we took Doran to college. 

Just like being empty nesters will be a new normal, so will scares like this, I think. It’s impossible to memorize how my breasts feel today; in a couple of weeks, I won’t remember if all the bumps are the same. And scar tissue can change. The PA at my regular three month appointment yesterday said I can massage my breast to kind of break up and soften the scar tissue.

I asked if I could take a couple of natural supplements for my hot flashes because they’re so bad. One of them should be avoided for people who are hormone receptor positive. Even though my estrogen level was low (I think she said 2 out of 300) for my cancer, it might still be too risky. I’ll start by taking Vitamin E, and if that doesn’t work, there’s a supplement I can try (though when I asked if it was effective, Dr. Brufsky said no). If that fails, there’s a medication – but I’d like to avoid that! I’d probably just live with it at that point.

I also asked about my risk of lymphedema. One of my cousins got it five years after her treatment. There’s a doctor in the practice who’s a lymphedema specialist, so I’ll make an appointment for peace of mind. There are tests he does (beyond the visual) that can determine the risk and help with recommendations.

Dr. Brufsky said I look good and added, “I’d be very surprised if this comes back.” From his lips to God’s ears!

7 responses to “Another Three Month Check Up”

  1. All’s good Lisa. Menopausal symptoms don’t last forever. Doubtful that you will get lymphedema. Keep exercising, good for your body and mind.

  2. I like Dr. Brufsky’s opinion! You will probably still have “scares” (inevitable I guess), but I hope they are just that! Happy New Year! Hugs!

  3. Well you have had lots on your plate this month. Menopause sucks and having fewer options to combat it is truly frustrating. Lumps and bumps are certainly difficult to deal with on a regular basis but YOU are so astute and careful that I suspect nothing will get past your watchful eyes. The very best part of your blog is the very last paragraph. Who can top this!!!!!

  4. hi. re: hot flashes. GABAPENTIN [normally given for seizures] worked wonders for me…until my brain starting getting fuzzy. an anti-depressant BRISDELLE [sp] is also said to work well. check our mayo clinic for more non-estrogen meds that can help. good luck.

  5. I hope you’re finding much comfort in the positive outlooks of the doctors (Brufsky & Small). Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year Lisa!

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