Anniversary Present

Today is the one year anniversary of my diagnosis. And I got quite the anniversary present. I found out the biopsy I had on Monday was benign.

Does this feel like deja vu? 

Let’s backtrack.

I messaged Dr. Brufsky’s office earlier this summer to let them know I felt a hard spot by my breast surgery scar. I didn’t know if it was scarring or something more. To be safe, they sent me for a mammogram and breast ultrasound, which I had last week (the earliest they could be scheduled – not soon enough for my liking!). 

The radiologist said there was scarring and possible fat necrosis, “a condition that most commonly develops after an injury or trauma to the breast tissue,” according to Breast Cancer Now. “A lump can form if an area of fatty breast tissue is damaged, for example during a biopsy or surgery. Necrosis is a medical term that describes damaged or dead tissue.” However, she said there was an area that didn’t fit all the characteristics. Based on my history, she wanted to be on the safe side, and was sending me for a biopsy. She said there was less than a 10% chance that it was something concerning.

She said I also qualified for a research study, to which of course I said yes! 

My biopsy was Monday at Magee. I was told to show up an hour early for the research study. After waiting for quite some time, I checked in with the front desk to make sure I hadn’t missed my name being called (a very real thing if you’re deaf!). Turns out the doctor did everything but actually sign the script, and they were having trouble getting that sorted. I went up to the Women’s Cancer Center to see if that would help, but by the time I got there, they’d already sent the signature down!

All this is to say, I was at Magee’s for a LOT longer than anticipated, because the research study and biopsy all had multiple steps.

What is the research study, you ask? The brochure calls it a “prospective assessment of contrast enhanced mammography to reduce biopsy rates.” Did you know that four out of five biopsies done annually are negative for cancer? “This study is intended to evaluate if some of the findings that currently require a diagnostic exam or biopsy can be correctly identified as benign, thus saving women unnecessary breast procedures.”

An IV was placed, and x-ray dye (the same kind used for a CT scan) was injected before the mammogram. This is the kind of dye that spreads warmth throughout your body and makes you feel like you’re peeing when you’re not. It’s fun!

The weird thing is the brochure said participants aren’t paid, so I wasn’t expecting to get $75! I would have done it regardless!

The numbing shot was the worst part of the biopsy. The “clipping” or the taking of samples was a lot more tolerable than last year. I don’t know if it was the location, tools, or doctor, but I’ll take it! Then I had to ice the area for 20 minutes every two hours for the first 24 hours (and longer if possible). I also had to wear a tight bra, like a sports bra, and avoid showering for 24 hours.

The nurse told me results would come in four business days. The doctor said two. The nurse warned me not to Google if I saw information in the portal, and suggested waiting for their phone call. But you know me — I was going to look!

So when the write up of the procedure came in, I read it, and yes, it freaked me out. I saw the part about “bi-rads” and the grading. I looked this up — the scale is from 0-6, with 6 being a known cancer. One was 4, “suspicious,” with less than 10% chance of it being malignant. The other was 4b, “moderately suspicious,” with more than 10% and less than 50% of it being something. Oh, and apparently I’ve had a nodule that’s been stable since it was spotted on a 2016 mammogram. No one ever told me about it!


I vented to Thrivers, and one of them said she’s had half a dozen of these biopsies and they’ve all been fine. I guess this is the new normal once you have breast cancer. Still, that was reassuring. Tell that to my body, however! I’ve already been having difficulty sleeping because of menopause (if I don’t get my period by mid Sept, I will officially be in menopause as it’ll have been one year!), and the wait certainly didn’t help! I kept trying to focus on the positives. Like the report saying the suspicious area seemed to correlate to the stable nodule. That sounded like it could be ok? Or the fact that I had everything done to this breast this year, and just finished treatment June 1. Could something really grow that fast? Probably, but I was grasping at straws here!

I even told myself, if I’m ok, then dealing with being an empty nester surely can’t be as bad (that was a lie).

Last night was the worst. My anxiety manifested in my stomach and I had intense stomach pains that kept me up most of the night. My stomach still hasn’t settled! I was tempted to check to see if anything had come in, but held off until I had to get up. That’s when I saw the pathology report, which was a bunch of medical gobbledy gook. I saw a couple of things that seemed promising. Then I realized I had a message from Brufsky’s office. It was the PA, letting me know that the biopsy was benign. 

Holy shitballs, did I need that!!!!

What a hell of an anniversary present! Aw, cancer, you really didn’t have to get me anything!

So, to recap, a year ago today, I found out I had breast cancer. Today I found out it hasn’t come back.

Happy Anniversary to me!

16 responses to “Anniversary Present”

  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU!! What great wonderful news. Enjoy being an empty nester. Hope Doran has a great year! 💕💕💕

  2. OMG! Reading this post was like reading a suspense novel! Way to keep ME on the edge of my seat. Glad it was benign-now go have a drink (or two). Happy Anniversary! Happy Empty nesthood too!

  3. Yikes, what a roller coaster. You brave soul. Glad you’re all clear. And oh, pulling at the heartstrings for being an empty nester. Send a big hug and lots of love.

  4. What a year, Lisa! So glad you got good news today!!! Wishing you a better year ahead. ❤️

  5. Great news! Happy F**k you cancer! Maybe that doesn’t make sense but glad this last scare was negative. Now to continuing celebrating your second best half! Hope to see you in person soon. Miss you!

  6. Dear Lisa, I’m so glad that the results you got back were the ones you were hoping for! May this coming year be filled with health, happiness, celebration, and good news only!

    yup, once you’ve had certain conditions [especially cancer], the vigilance button seems to be always on, feels llike you’re looking over your shoulder to see if its coming. DONT.
    takes so much energy.

  8. Happy Anniversary to you, and the your entire family. Everyone of you have “made it”. It was quite the year and your courage lead everyone to today.

  9. 6 months after my first cancer diagnosis, it was determined my cancer had metastasized. Another more invasive surgery followed. The years after when I went in for the 6-month scan and later the annual scan always caused me lots of anxiety. I have been cancer-free for almost 40 years, and I am truly thankful for the family and friends who supported me. The one lucky thing about breast cancer is that you have a great support system of survivors. I understand how hard it is to stay off the internet (my doc recently reminded me that he had gone to medical school to learn how to interpret test results and asked me to stay off the internet for my own sanity), and I am trying to have a growth mindset about that. Because of this blog, I don’t have to imagine how tough this year has been for you, and I am so thankful that the news you got was good news! Thank you again for sharing your journey with us!

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