The Flip Side

I’m here! A little worse for wear, but doing ok.

Apparently my call time was TWO hours before surgery! I had a shitty night’s sleep, and could have used more of it! There’s a lot to the pre-surgery process, though, including the important act of waiting. Can’t skip that.

(Aaron transcribing now. After two short paragraphs of left-handed typing, Lisa was fed up.)

I was in a pre-surgery room (with a curtain) until surgery. I had to don the latest in hospital fashion and take everything off, including my wedding ring. Vitals were taken as always. Then the dreaded IV. I asked if it had to be in my hand. Thankfully she was able to put it in my wrist. I don’t know if that was any less painful!

I was then visited by the surgeon and anesthesiologist. After squaring away what was going to happen, their two nurses came in to get everything ready. I was given two anti-nausea pills since I tend to have trouble with anesthesia. Just before I was pulled away, I gave Aaron my hearing devices. They then gave me some “happy” drugs in my IV. I seem to have a memory of them making me a little sick on the way to the operating room. The last thing I remember is transferring to another bed in the operating room.

The next thing I remember is waking up in recovery like I was waking up from a nap. I kept dozing off, so they kept me in there for a bit. Eventually I moved to another post-op recovery room with a curtain. I was finally able to eat and drink but could barely eat because my mouth was so dry from the medicine. I also have a sore throat from the intubation.

The recovery team kept saying Aaron was on his way, only he never arrived. They eventually called his cell and asked where he was. He was sitting in the waiting room the whole time, but the people there forgot to get him.

I was discharged shortly thereafter, came home, and promptly took an almost 4 hour nap. I woke up just as my parents arrived. I’m feeling better than I thought I would after the anesthesia. I do feel some pain and have directions to take Tylenol and ibuprofen.

Now I get to boss my family around for the next two weeks!

8 responses to “The Flip Side”

  1. OMG I I was just thinking about you Lisa and was about to text your Mom!!! Well welcome to the other side! here we are all waiting for you 🙂 Great job, good humor and watch out Lisa’s family !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lisa, I’m so glad your surgery went smoothly and is now behind you. Wishing you an easy-as-possible recovery and hope you hear good results very soon!! Sending lots of love!

  3. I’ve been waiting all day with bated breath to see this! Happy to know this part is in the rear view mirror now. Rest up, enjoy being waited in, behave yourself (? 🤣) and I hope you can finally have an appetite to enjoy some of your favorites. Hope you don’t have to wait too long for those results! Hugs! xoxo

  4. It sounds like today went very well. The very fact tonight you are in your own house and sleeping in your own bed surrounded by all the people who love you is just amazing. You are and have been simply incredible and everyone following this saga is in awe of your stoicism and your generosity. You have shared such a profound time in your life with so many. We are all so grateful today is behind you. Sleep well tonight Lisa.

  5. I’m thrilled and relieved that everything went well. Take full advantage of bossing the family around. Thank you for staying in great spirits throughout all of this and keeping us informed. Sending a very big hug.

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