Wigging Out

Wednesday, I had a virtual wig consultation with the Allegheny Health Network. They only had two curly wigs. One was too short and had weird swoopy bangs. The other one is too long, but I can take it to a wig salon and have them trim it. It’s also a darker brown than my normal hair. But it’s free! They’re also sending some sleep caps and other hair coverings.

Yesterday, I had an in-person wig consultation at a great store that provides things for hair loss, mastectomy, lymphedema, and gender dysphoria. It was started by a woman who had TN breast cancer back in the 1980s. She’s a three time survivor and is now 76. They didn’t have any curly wigs in stock so we leafed through a bunch of catalogs to find one similar to my current style. The one we picked is shorter; there was nothing my length with curls. I’m going to have them double check to make sure there’s not a longer curly style that can be shortened, as we weren’t looking at those lengths. I have a feeling the short version might be my best option.

There were some really fun colored wigs, but not in a curly style. I know, I could go with another style, but trust me – straight hair does NOT work on moi! 

In terms of my side effects, they’re much the same. The peeing every few minutes at night has continued, as has the nausea. Reglan hasn’t made a dent. I’ve also been ravenously hungry because of the steroids. I’m literally starving right after I eat. I’m not much of a snacker, but have been snacking. I’m hoping that at the one-week mark today, these side effects will start dissipating!

And of course now I also have bad PMS!

You want to give me all the things? I am woman, hear me roar!

6 responses to “Wigging Out”

  1. Glad to know you will have some wig options, not glad to know you are still dealing with crappy side effects. Being hungry and nauseous at the same time all while peeing constantly and now having PMS (what’s that?? lol!) sounds like a challenging athletic Olympic sport-NOT! Hopefully this weekend will be better and that some of this will go away for a bit. Sending love!

  2. Lisa, sending you a big hug- though I wish I could send you something a lot more helpful, like an anti-nausea pill that actually works or a short, curly wig that’s perfect for you!

  3. I love how you continue to forge on. Regardless of all that you are experiencing, you keep moving forward. I hope when you finally make a wig choice that we will get pictures. Thank you for keeping us in the loop and each email is something we all look for in our inbox.

  4. Lisa: You have a great attitude! Hopefully, you can send pictures. I continue to check inbox and look forward to your next posting. Thank you for sharing. Feel free to drop
    an email whenever you get a chance!
    Lisa S.

    • Thank you! I can’t always tell who someone is when they reply, and I know more than one Lisa S. Can you give me more info? 🙂

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